
Domain name DNS is a system that helps computers find the correct website or email address when someone types in a name or address into a browser or email program. Domain name servers are computers that are specially configured to help with this task.

When someone types in the name of a website, like google.com, the Domain Name System (DNS) looks up the name in a database of registered domain names.

If the name is not found in the database, the DNS will look up the name using a name server. The name server can be located on the same computer as the DNS client, or it can be located on a different computer.

The name server will return a IP address, or a series of IP addresses, that can be used to locate the website. The DNS client will then use this IP address to connect to the website.

Domain name DNS is important because it lets people find websites and email addresses even if they don’t know the exact name. It’s also important for websites and email addresses that are not registered with the Domain Name System.