Author: Kendrick

The Mail Domain Is Valid, Has Proper DNS MX Records (, and Is Able to Accept New Email….Is a Suspicious Domain?

According to the WHOIS lookup for, the domain was registered on March 15, 2014. The domain is currently hosted on a GoDaddy account with the valid MX records ( net) indicating that it is able to accept new email. However, there are several red flags that should be noted when investigating this domain. First […]

How Do I Find My Domain DNS?

Domain Name System (DNS) is the foundation of the Domain Name System (DNS) is the foundation of the Internet Protocol (IP) network. DNS is a hierarchical distributed database that stores the names of Internet resources, such as websites, IP addresses, and mail servers. The DNS server provides the lookup service for domain names and IP […]

What Is DNS Setting for Domain?

Domain Name System (DNS) is the hierarchical system used to resolve domain names to IP addresses. DNS is used to translate human-readable domain names into the numerical IP addresses used by computers. DNS is managed by a DNS server. When a user types in a domain name, the DNS server looks up the domain name […]