What Is a DNS for a Domain?

DNS is the Domain Name System. It is a hierarchical, distributed database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. When you type a domain name into your browser, your computer queries a DNS server for the IP address associated with that domain name. DNS is an essential part of the Internet. It allows computers […]

Should DNS Be on Domain Controller?

Domain controllers are the backbone of a Windows network. They are the servers on which Active Directory (AD) and other critical directory services are run. DNS is an essential part of AD, and it is important that domain controllers have a good DNS implementation. Domain controllers should have a good DNS implementation because: Domain controllers […]

What Is DNS Search Domain?

Domain Name System (DNS) is the system that translates human-readable domain names (such as www.google.com) into numerical IP addresses. A DNS search domain is a specific DNS domain that is used for a specific purpose. For example, a DNS search domain for www.com is google.com.

How to Perform the DNS Lookup to Find All DNS Records Configured for Any Domain?

The DNS lookup is a process that allows computers to find domain names and IP addresses. DNS is a hierarchical database that stores information for domain names, subdomains, and hostnames. The DNS lookup process uses a set of domain names to find the IP addresses for a particular host. This article will provide instructions on […]

What Is Domain and DNS?

Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system for computers, phones, and other devices. It is described in RFC 1034 and RFC 1035. DNS is used to resolve host names to IP addresses. A domain name is a name used to identify a unique entity on a computer network. For example, the domain name […]

What Is DNS Records for Domain?

Domain Name System (DNS) records are a database of information used by computers to locate Domain Name Servers (DNS). DNS is a hierarchical database of records that are used to translate hostnames (like www.example. com) into IP addresses. A DNS server can answer queries about IP addresses, domain names, and other DNS information. A DNS […]

How Do I Find My DNS Domain?

Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system for computers and other devices connected to the Internet. A DNS server is a computer that stores the DNS records for a domain name. When a user attempts to access a website, the DNS server looks up the domain name in its DNS database and returns […]