
When you type the “nslookup” command into your computer’s command prompt, the DNS server on your computer responds with a list of all the DNS servers it knows about. You can then use the “type” command to determine the type of response the DNS server is giving you.

If you type “nslookup” into your command prompt, the DNS server will respond with a response that includes the IP address of the DNS server.

If you want to know the IP address of the default DNS server for your computer, you can type “nslookup” and then press the “?” key. The DNS server will respond with the default DNS server’s IP address.

If you want to find out the DNS server address for a specific domain name, you can use the “type” command to determine the type of response the DNS server is giving you. For example, if you want to find out the DNS server address for the domain name “”, you would type “type”.

The DNS server will return a response that includes the IP address of the DNS server and the type of response the DNS server is giving you. This response would be in the form of a “A” record.