
Domain keys (DNS record types) are a type of record that are used in the Domain Name System (DNS) to identify a specific resource. A domain name is composed of a top-level domain (TLD), such as .com, .net, or .org, and one or more domain names. A domain name is composed of the TLD followed by one or more domain names. For example, the domain name www.example.

com is composed of the TLD,, and

A domain name is said to be associated with a domain key when the domain name is mapped to the domain key in the DNS. A domain key is a 32-bit number that is used to uniquely identify a domain name.

The domain name server (DNS) converts the domain key into an IP address when it stores the domain name and the IP address is used to return the domain name in DNS queries.

A domain name can be associated with only one domain key. When a new domain name is registered, the domain name server (DNS) registers the domain name and the domain key with the DNS.

The domain name server (DNS) uses the domain key to lookup the domain name in response to DNS queries. If the domain name server (DNS) cannot find the domain name with the domain key, the domain name server (DNS) returns an error message.

A domain name can be registered with any domain name server (DNS). When a user attempts to access a resource at a URL that is not registered with the user’s domain name server (DNS), the user’s domain name server (DNS) queries the domain name server (DNS) for the resource’s associated domain name.

If the resource is not registered with the user’s domain name server (DNS), the domain name server (DNS) returns an error message.

A domain name can be registered with only one domain name server (DNS).

Domain keys are used to uniquely identify a domain name. A domain name is associated with a domain key when the domain name is mapped to the domain key in the DNS.

A domain key is a 32-bit number that is used to uniquely identify a domain name. The domain name server (DNS) converts the domain key into an IP address when it stores the domain name and the IP address is used to return the domain name in DNS queries.