
If you want to cancel your subscription to Avast, you can do so by clicking on the “Cancel Subscription” link on the My Avast page. Once you’ve clicked on that link, you’ll be asked to enter your Avast account username and password. After you’ve logged in, you’ll be taken to the My Subscriptions page. On this page, you’ll see a list of all of your active subscriptions, as well as the option to cancel your subscription.

To cancel your subscription, just click on the “Cancel Subscription” button next to the subscription you want to cancel. After you’ve canceled your subscription, you’ll be taken to a confirmation page, where you’ll be asked to enter your contact information so that we can refund you for your subscription. Finally, you’ll be taken to a confirmation page where you’ll be asked to confirm your cancellation. After you’ve confirmed your cancellation, your subscription will be cancelled and you’ll be refunded for the remainder of your current subscription period.